Nonprofit Registration Information for the
12th Annual Lancaster Printers Fair


The .918 Club is inviting you to be a participant in a combined 12th Annual Lancaster Printers Fair on September 20, 2025 from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. in Al Starr Community Building behind the Willow Street Fire Company. As a vendor, the Fair is a fantastic opportunity to market and sell your products to customers who are specifically seeking unique hand printed merchandise, supplies and equipment. If you are unable to be a vendor, being a sponsor is an opportunity to show your support of the letterpress and printmakers movement.

The Lancaster Printers Fair showcases the art of printmaking in historical and contemporary forms. Vendor items include the book arts, letterpress printing presses, equipment, supplies & accessories, wood & metal type, ink, presses and paper, printmaking, handmade announcements, invitations, posters, limited edition books and more.  

I hope that you will join us as a vendor on Saturday, September 20th and submit your application as soon as possible so that we can promote your participation throughout our advertising and marketing campaign.


Click here for the NonProfit Vendor Registration Form

Print out the Nonprofit Vendor registration form and fill it out

Scan and email to:

Or "Good Old Snail" mail  to:
Lancaster Printers Fair
346 North Queen Street, Lancaster, PA 17603

Pay on line or save by sending in a check before June 30th

Pay on-line by credit card using PayPal

Add item, use continue shopping on paypal, and add more items please.  Major Credit Cards are accepted.

Vendor registration is confirmed upon receipt of payment.
Nonprofit vendor space for $35 ($40 CC or PayPal) for each 10' x 10' spot
10’ x 10’ canopy(s) for $25 each
8’ table(s) with 2 chairs for $25 each
Printers Fair Program Ads Discounted for Fair Vendors
1/2 Page $200.00 (Nonprofit Discount)
1/4 Page $100.00 (Nonprofit Discount)
1/8 Page $50.00 (Nonprofit Discount)
A vendor space is 10’ x 10’ and all participating vendors must have and use a 10x10 canopy (canopy leg weights will be available at no charge). A limited number of 10x10 canopies and tables with chairs are available for rent on a first come basis. As part of the vendor fee, you will receive mention in the fair program and listed on the website. You can increase your program ad space by adding a sponsorship to your vendor fee.
Printers Fair Program Ads Discounted for Fair Vendors

• All vendors name and booth location will be listed in the program.

• Name, logo, contact information and link on fair website • Will appear in all press releases, communications, mailings and eBlasts • 1/2 page color ad in program = $200.00.

• Name, logo, contact information and link on fair website • Will appear in all press releases, communications, mailings and eBlasts • 1/4 page color ad in program = $100.00.

• Name, contact information and link on fair website • 1/8 page color ad in program = $50.00.
Heritage Press Museum